6 Sep

Sorry for not posting about my latest adventures. I hardly get access to my human´s notebook. She´s busy with university stuff, whatever that is. Can´t be as important as my blog. However, inbetween all these important things she has to do she found the time to get me a new blanket for my bed. I know she´s just trying to cover up for all the time she cannot spend grooming my fur, cutting my carrots or cleaning my cage but still – it´s a blanket! We all know how much I love blankets!!! Especially blankets on top of blankets with a pile of blankets on top. Now I spend all my precious wellness time on that new blankie that is all fluffy and smells like daisies. And when it´s bedtime I allow Janita to cuddle me until I fall asleep. Life is good, isn´t it? Every bunny should have its own blanket with a loving human attached!!!

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